Real people.
Real location data.

Steps offers millions of crowdsourced, location-based data points that can’t be accessed anywhere else. Combining this data with the power of AI processing, Steps helps businesses learn, target and grow.

Schedule a 15-minute call to explore how you can increase your reach and revenue with authentic, relevant data directly from consumers.

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Key business insights

Leverage data-driven insights about any topic or location.

Accurate & recent data

Drive business decisions using the latest, most up-to-date location-based data.

Enhanced predictions

Plan better for the future and boost lead generation.
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Your shortcut to real-time market research

Steps gives you access to authentic insights about businesses, locations and more from people who've been there. Get data from consumers across the globe ranging across hundreds of topics, every day.
Gluten-free food options
Paint Brush
Street art locations
Beer establishments
Date night spots
Best coffee shops

Authentic, people-curated data.

There’s no room here for static, outdated information. Steps data is accurate, detailed information about places that’s constantly being updated by people who are there.
Uriel Maslansky

Meet Uriel Maslansky

Schedule a 15-minute call with the CEO of Steps and discover how to propel your business growth with unique location data
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